Monday, February 23, 2009

Nuttin' up...

Well, that day has arrived. What day? The day when I either crawl into a hole with my Star Wars action figures and cry, or the day I stand tall, open the door, and rip off the wolf's head. I choose the latter.

This month we'll spend the last of our savings. My wife does an admirable job of keeping track of the finances, and she tells me only what I need to know. This morning, when I told her I needed to buy a $50 laser printer I found on Craigslist--a pretty good deal, I discovered, after I checked out some reviews--she turned paler than usual and told me the money just wasn't there. In fact, I need to transfer all the cash in the business account to the personal account.

Heh. And here we are.

So, that nice cushion we had is now gone. The only money coming in is whatever I can kill and drag home.

I admit, I was more than a little...ah...anxious at the news. Thankfully I was taking little Joe to morning Mass, so I had a little bit of spiritual refreshment to face the new reality. And afterward, while I sat in the chaos that is my workspace, one thought kept running through my head: We're not going to make it...we're not going to make it...we're not going to make it...

But EFF that. If we're going down, it's going to be spectacular. I mean, telling the credit card companies where that our new number is 555-PISS-OFF. It means non Nancy-ing around my prices anymore. (I can only take so many "Wow, your prices are really amazing!" before I get the hint.) It means bombarding the Internetz with my ads.

It's not that I've exactly been sitting around popping Bon Bons and catching up on Jerry Springer. Quite the contrary--I have to force myself to take sanity breaks, and those have the effect of stressing me out because I HAVE A THOUSAND THINGS TO DO TODAY OR WE ALL DIE! But now it's time. Time to get my empire on.

Today's goals:

  • Get at least ten links to my site.
  • Write a video greeting for the home page.
  • Finish the Google Webmaster stuff (this is Google's helpful stuff to optimize your site).
  • Write at least one new kick-ass Craigslist ad.

There's a ton more that I need to get to, and a thousand little details about my site that need improvement, but for now that's it.

Alright, gotta run. I've got an empire to build.

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