Sunday, March 22, 2009


I've done 37 moves this month. 37. Thirty-seven.

That's a lot of moves.

In other news, I've lost 20 pounds since December.


Anonymous said...

Tis alot indeed.
Is there a way to predict "seasonality" of move volume? (i.e. what percentage of moves take place in March?)
Obviously, this would be helpful in staffing and vacation planning.



Christopher said...


The only way I know to predict it is by experiencing the ebbs and flows of the year. I've now been at this for about a year and a half, and I know that it's about to get insane. Right around the beginning of November is the "dead zone." That can last a month or so.

OTOH, I know that I'm barely scratching the surface of the potential business out there. Business is steadily increasing, but it's still far less than one would expect.