Monday, March 16, 2009

Adventures in marketing

The other day we had one of those "snow storms" that shuts down the city. I didn't have any moves scheduled that day, so I figured the conditions would be perfect to try out a marketing idea I had.

It was really simple--I'd just show up somewhere with some cookies and hot chocolate, give them out for free, and hand out some cards.

Well, I picked the big hill at the Masonic temple for the location. In retrospect, I should have realized it might not have been optimal. Yes, I did hand out some cards, and that was good, but the vast majority of the cookies and hot chocolate I gave out went to kids. And, as we all know, kids are notoriously bad tippers--if they have any money to pay for goods and services in the first place.

Next time--a better, more adult location. Not to mention that it's probably never a good idea to park your vehicle where kids congregate to hand out treats.


Anyway, here are some pics of that frigid day.


Steph said...

This post makes me want cookies. Got any left?

Christopher said...

Yes! They could cut diamonds by now, but they're all yours.

Anonymous said...

got me hummin' Dr John's "Right Place , Wrong Time" ... lest we forget the old saw .... "location, location, location".

Good news though - you've planted seeds for dominating that demographic when those kids are old enough to start moving!
