Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Praise God and pass the ammunition

So, I got a gun. It shoots bullets--REAL bullets. It also makes a large bang.

That's what she said!

No really, my wife really said that. At the range last Saturday, she fired it once, put it down, went to the adjacent stall and cried. It was a big bang.

What kind of gun? A Glock 23, precisely. I shopped around for a couple of weeks, tried a few out, and finally settled on the Glock. It's not a particularly pretty gun. See:

But it holds a lot of ammo (13 rounds or so), is easy to maintain, and has the right amount of stopping power for today's modern yuppie suburban.

It's been quite an adventure. I tried out a Sig 229, a Ruger something-or-other, and a Ruger .38 Special. The .38 was particularly nice--good feel in the hand, great accuracy, and I was pleasantly surprised at how fast I could load and fire the thing. In the end, though, I went with the Glock because it had the best balance of all the features I wanted.

Why a gun? Squirrels. I hate the little rats in fuzzy pajamas.

Lol. No.

Not to sound too crazy, but things are getting close to the brink in this country. And no, it actually doesn't have a lot to do with the election. Because the Supreme Court recently ruled that we have a right as INDIVIDUALS to protect ourselves with firearms, I don't think there's a lot Obama and the Dems can do to take away that right. What gets me nervous is the likelihood of a Depression and rampant, senseless, random crime. For example, a buddy of a co-worker of mine was recently knifed to death--along with his brother and a friend--for no discernible reason. Other examples abound.

Another way to put it: I don't want to lose my life, orphan my child and widow my wife just because I decided to get some Cool Ranch Doritos down at 7/Eleven one night.

So yes, I guess that means I'll be packing heat the next time I get the munchies (after I get my concealed/carry permit, of course.

By the way, my wife is going to arm herself, too, but she needs to find a gun that she feels comfortable with. She tried out the same .38 Special I did, but it had "too much kick." Nonetheless, the very first time she fired it (which incidentally was the first time she ever fired a gun of any kind) she came within an inch of a bullseye. Her second and third shots were only a few inches from that shot.

Scary. I will now practice the phrase "We'll try it your way, honey."


Anonymous said...

Be very careful,accidents can be hazardous to your career.

Plexico Burress

Anonymous said...

If your wife is still in the market, you might check out the Ladysmith. My fil bought me one back in the day-- small, with a rosewood handle. It stays in our gunsafe at home 99% of the time but it's small enough for my hand and I'm much more comfortable with a revolver.

BTW, love the blog-- good luck with the business!